Sailing Adventure in Svalbard - From Longyearbyen to Ny-Ålesund

Published on 1 July 2023 at 22:03


Embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey through the Arctic, as we set sail from Longyearbyen, the gateway to Svalbard. Our adventure takes us through breathtaking landscapes, close encounters with wildlife, and the raw beauty of the northernmost reaches of our planet. Join us as we recount our thrilling voyage, from the calm fjords to the icy waters of Ny-Ålesund.

Setting Sail from Longyearbyen

Our adventure began in Longyearbyen, Svalbard's largest settlement. As we left the port, the sun made a rare appearance, casting a golden hue over the icy landscape. The initial leg of our journey was powered by motor, but as we ventured further into the fjord, we hoisted all our sails—mainsail, jib, and genoa. Though handling the sails proved challenging at first, we soon found our rhythm, sailing towards Trygghamna.

Midnight Arrival at Trygghamna

We arrived at Trygghamna a little after midnight, but the Arctic summer ensured it was still bright as day. After securing the boat, we enjoyed a late dinner on deck, savoring the meal like hungry wolves, well past 2 AM. The surreal experience of dining under the midnight sun is one that words can barely capture.

Landing at Trygghamna: A Close Encounter with Polar Bears

The following day greeted us with equally glorious weather, perfect for our first landing via zodiac. As we set foot on the beach, an air of nervous excitement filled the group. Despite being armed with two rifles and a signal gun, the knowledge that polar bears roamed these parts kept us on high alert. Fresh bear tracks in the snow were a stark reminder of the king of Svalbard's presence, but fortunately, no sightings were made.

Sailing North: The Journey Continues

Back aboard the Nanuk, we continued our northward journey, implementing a watch system to ensure everyone participated in the ship's duties, including steering. Sleep was scarce as excitement kept us awake, but the morale remained high, thanks to the incredible camaraderie and, not least, the delicious food. Freshly baked bread, cakes, and hearty meals prepared by talented cooks on board ensured no one went hungry.

Walrus Watching at Poolepynten

A stop at Poolepynten brought us face-to-face with a large group of walruses. These fascinating creatures may not win beauty contests, but their endearing behavior captivated us. One particularly amusing walrus slowly made its way down the beach, pausing frequently, before finally reaching the water and swimming off.

Final Leg: Towards Ny-Ålesund

As we sailed through the night towards Ny-Ålesund, partial fog set in, reducing visibility. The sight of small icebergs floating by gave us a taste of the challenges awaiting us further north. Despite the fog, the excitement of nearing one of the northernmost settlements in the world kept our spirits high.


This journey from Longyearbyen to Ny-Ålesund is more than just a sailing adventure—it's an immersion into the untamed beauty of the Arctic. From the thrill of spotting polar bear tracks to the serene sight of walruses lounging on the shore, every moment is a reminder of the raw, untouched nature of Svalbard. Whether you're an avid sailor or a lover of wild landscapes, this Arctic expedition offers an unforgettable experience.

--- Hilde

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