The Viking Voyage 2024

Chasing Viking Legends: Sailing the Mystical Waters of the Faroe Islands

Hello from windy and rainy but ever mystically beautiful Faroe Islands. Being here feels like we followed the steps of a crew from a sea folk tale, and reached a mystical green island beyond the fog, where water flows and the food is rich—an island that men would risk shipwreck in an attempt to reach. In fact, Naddod, the Viking king after which our boat is named, did cast off from Norway with his crew in an attempt to find and settle in the Faroe Islands, and a storm blew his ship off course. He overshot the Faroe Islands and ended up being the first Viking to reach Iceland.

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Exploring Faroese Seafaring Traditions: Rowing, Knot-Tying, and Preparing for Our Voyage to Norway

After staying up until 2 a.m. playing Rummikub with the crew, our 7:30 a.m. wake-up felt heavier than usual. But this dissipated rapidly as we got our gear on and went on the dinghy to the harbor, so we could row Naddoddur back to the boathouse. Georg constantly directs the crew’s attention to situational awareness and preemptive problem-solving, so that when any situation arises, we’re not disorganized and clumsy in handling it. “We’re about to reach the dock. What do we need to think about? Is there enough space for us to row? Which way is the wind blowing? What’s our plan, and what can you do to prepare?” It’s a good quality in a leader to constantly look ahead to predict and prepare.

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Preparing for Our Viking Voyage: Rowing Naddoddur, Safety Briefings, and Final Preparations

Another day of preparations with the boathouse crew has come to a successful close as we get ready for our upcoming voyage. We spent the day practicing rowing Naddoddur in the fjord before bringing it into the boathouse for some final reinforcements. The boathouse team repurposed an old sail to create a sturdy shelter at the bow, which will serve as our sleeping cabin during the trip. Designed to accommodate just two people, this space will be crucial as we face long days, limited sleep, and constant watch shifts.

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Experience the Adventure of a Lifetime in Suduroy: Viking Culture, Sailing, and Unforgettable Friendships

Another eventful day in Suduroy has come to pass. The night was longer than I’d have liked it to be, as I couldn’t escape the cacophony of snores from my crewmates. Livar to the left on his couch, Andy to the right on his mattress, and all the rest of the men in their various sleeping places snored the night away, as the heavy winds creaked around the boathouse. Low sleep or not, it feels good to be on a sailing crew becoming fast friends as we spend more time together, all set on crossing the ocean one or way or other in tribute to Viking culture and shipbuilding tradition.

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Life at the Boathouse in Suduroy: Preparing for Our Viking Voyage

Hello from the boathouse in Suduroy! Saeny the Red, Andy and I woke up to boathouse old men coming in and greeting us upstairs. Saeny and I rapidly changed out of our pajamas and headed downstairs to join the morning coffee get-together. One by one, all the boathouse men filtered into the boathouse, and sat down for coffee and pastries.

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Exploring the Majestic Faroe Islands: A Viking Voyage Begins

As our plane descended through the misty clouds, the Faroe Islands unveiled themselves—a hidden gem of the North Atlantic, where rugged cliffs meet lush, green landscapes. The pilot's voice came through the speaker, “There’s a good westerly wind, so the landing looks promising.” This was the beginning of my introduction to the Faroe Islands.

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Viking Voyage: Arriving to Suduroy

August 16: an important day for the crew of the Viking Voyage. Andy, our skipper, arrived to the airport with three enormous duffel bags, filled with gear and knives. The crew is steadily assembling.

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From Airport to Adventure: My Wild Ride into Viking Life

With my bags full of gear and a sense of adventure building, I zipped up my rucksack—a small yet significant act that signaled the completion of months of intense expedition training. The airport loomed ahead, marking the start of a long journey to the Faroe Islands. As I settled into my cramped plane seat, I couldn’t help but think that these meager comforts—poorly fluffed pillows and all—might be the best I’ll experience for the next two weeks.

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The Viking Voyage: A Journey Through Time and Tradition

Welcome to the first blog post of "The Viking Voyage," where we embark on an incredible journey that bridges history and adventure. This blog will chronicle the exciting expedition of Naddoddur, a replica Viking ship, as it sails from the Faroe Islands to Norway. This voyage, set for August 2024, is more than just a daring adventure on the open seas—it's a tribute to Viking culture, a preservation of ancient seafaring skills, and a celebration of historical exploration.

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Svalbard 2023

Sailing Across 80° North: A Journey Through Ice and Sun

We woke up to the breathtaking sight of a glacier. Niv prepared a delicious Shakshuka, which we enjoyed on deck with the glacier as our backdrop. The constant rumbling of the ice was a reminder of nature's raw power, and when a large chunk finally broke off and splashed into the water, we couldn't help but cheer, "Go, Buddy! You can do it!" With clear skies and the sun shining brightly, we began our journey north.

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Shooting Ranch Adventures in the Arctic North

Experience endless daylight and boundless adventures at Shooting Ranch in the Arctic North. When the sun never sets, every moment becomes an opportunity for excitement and discovery. Our skilled Tour Guides and Skippers, Andy and Peter, ensure that each day is packed with unforgettable experiences.

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Navigating the Arctic: From Midnight Shifts to Majestic Glaciers

It's 00:10, and the shift has just changed. Hilde and I take the helm as we continue our journey toward Ny Alesund, the northernmost point of civilization at 79°50' N. The path ahead is foggy, and with a strong headwind and a starboard current, navigation becomes a constant challenge. Using the compass, depth sounder, and GPS, we push through two more shifts, finally arriving in a glacier-lined bay where we anchor for a brief rest. Large ice blocks drift by, a reminder of the Arctic's icy grip.

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Sailing Adventure in Svalbard - From Longyearbyen to Ny-Ålesund

Embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey through the Arctic, as we set sail from Longyearbyen, the gateway to Svalbard. Our adventure takes us through breathtaking landscapes, close encounters with wildlife, and the raw beauty of the northernmost reaches of our planet. Join us as we recount our thrilling voyage, from the calm fjords to the icy waters of Ny-Ålesund.

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Svalbard here we come

After months of meticulous planning and countless hours of preparation, we have finally reached our ultimate destination: Svalbard. Our expedition team is almost complete, with 6 out of 8 members now aboard the ship. We've had our first taste of life at sea, and tomorrow, once the final two members arrive, we'll be ready to embark on our Arctic adventure. If all goes well, we hope to set sail by Friday, or maybe even earlier.

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14 days, 2 weeks or only 336 hours

Ship is already. Watermaker running:-)Not all permits are in yet. Comes well.The shopping list is not yet finalised. But we know - the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.The ice cream is melting. Which for once is a good sign for our journey.The dresses with the great logos and our names are in print.The flags are already being sent out.The tension is rising. We are very excited.

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First Svalbard Post

In 24 days the crew arrives in Svalbard and our expedition starts.The crew from 4 countries is already highly motivated.On this channel we will inform you regularly.See you soon. The countdown is running.Your skipper and expedition leaderAndy

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