Navigating the Arctic: From Midnight Shifts to Majestic Glaciers

Published on 2 July 2023 at 22:17

It's 00:10, and the shift has just changed. Hilde and I take the helm as we continue our journey toward Ny Alesund, the northernmost point of civilization at 79°50' N. The path ahead is foggy, and with a strong headwind and a starboard current, navigation becomes a constant challenge. Using the compass, depth sounder, and GPS, we push through two more shifts, finally arriving in a glacier-lined bay where we anchor for a brief rest. Large ice blocks drift by, a reminder of the Arctic's icy grip.

As we rest at anchor, another challenge arises: one of the boat's toilets needs repair. Peter and Andy dive into the maze of cables behind the electrical boards, eventually resolving the issue after two hours. With the problem fixed, we prepare for the final leg of our journey to Ny Alesund. The mist begins to lift, and as the sun breaks through the clouds, the blue ice blocks surrounding us captivate our attention.

Docking at Ny Alesund and Discovering Lillehöökbreen Bay

Docking in Ny Alesund marks our last stop for the next 20 days. We take the opportunity to explore the small scientific village before setting off again at five-thirty towards Lillehöökbreen Bay. We have no idea what breathtaking scenery awaits us.

Four hours later, we all gather on deck. The sky is clear, and the sun shines on a stunning 4 km-long glacier wall. The water is perfectly still, reflecting the awe-inspiring landscape like a mirror. It's a moment that feels almost otherworldly, as if we've arrived on another planet. The silence is soon replaced by a mood of celebration, and we toast with Svalbard Cognac on the rocks—ice freshly fished from the water.

A photo shoot orchestrated by Saeny captures the beauty of the moment, but it's hard to believe this is just the beginning. What more awaits us on this incredible journey?

--- Andi T.

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