Sailing Across 80° North: A Journey Through Ice and Sun

Published on 4 July 2023 at 21:13

We woke up to the breathtaking sight of a glacier. Niv prepared a delicious Shakshuka, which we enjoyed on deck with the glacier as our backdrop. The constant rumbling of the ice was a reminder of nature's raw power, and when a large chunk finally broke off and splashed into the water, we couldn't help but cheer, "Go, Buddy! You can do it!" With clear skies and the sun shining brightly, we began our journey north.

As we sailed, we took part in a clean-up challenge, leaving the boat spotless—possibly even cleaner than when we first boarded. Our efforts were rewarded with a thrilling sight: three Beluga whales swam nearby, a good omen for the adventure ahead.

Approaching the 80th degree latitude, the wind shifted in our favor, and we eagerly hoisted the sails. The skippers pushed the boat to its limits, causing it to heel over with a tilt of more than 35°. Crossing the 80th degree latitude was a momentous occasion, and we celebrated this historic milestone with joy. We navigated carefully around ice floes, finding our way to the next anchorage.

Finally, after an early morning session that lasted until 5 AM, we reached the tranquil bay of Claravagen. The sense of accomplishment and the stunning Arctic scenery made every challenge worthwhile.

--- Saeny & Kevin

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