A Perfect Day on the Water: Conquering Fears and Embracing Adventure

Published on 5 July 2023 at 21:13

Discover the unforgettable experience of a serene day on the bay, where calm waters and exciting challenges lead to triumphs and joyful moments. Standup paddling, kayaking, and daring feats atop a 23-meter mast make this day truly remarkable.


The days have a way of surprising us, growing more adventurous as they unfold. This particular day was nothing short of amazing, filled with serene landscapes, personal victories, and thrilling activities on the water.

Calm Waters and Clear Reflections

The bay greeted us with an unusual calmness, the water so still that it mirrored our boat perfectly. Tiny ice blocks floated around, adding a touch of arctic charm to the peaceful scene.

Conquering Fears

For Saeny, this day was about overcoming her fear of heights. She bravely ascended the 23-meter mast, and with a joyful scream, she celebrated her success from the top, a testament to her courage and determination.

Adventures on the Water

With the sun shining warmly, we couldn't resist the allure of the water. Standup paddling (SUP) and kayaking became the activities of choice. Kevin, with his drone, captured stunning footage as it weaved through narrow gaps, adding an exhilarating perspective to our day.

A Refreshing Dip

The warmth of the day tempted us all. Saeny, Hilde, and Andrea took to the SUPs in just bathing suits and life vests, navigating between ice blocks with ease. Inspired by their boldness, nearly everyone took the plunge, diving into the icy water for a refreshing and invigorating experience.

Culinary Delights and Bonfire Moments

As the day wound down, we split into groups. Some stayed on the boat, preparing a delicious fondue cheese, while others ventured ashore for a short hike. We all gathered later around a bonfire, sharing food, stories, and the warmth of the flames as the sun began to set.


This day, just 38nm away from Phipps Island, was a perfect blend of tranquility and adventure. It reminded us of the joy in facing fears, the thrill of new experiences, and the simple pleasure of good company in nature's embrace.

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